Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ukrainian Students Going Back To School In Poland

Ukranian Students
For many Ukrainian children, the last several years have been a time of severe disruption. First the COVID-19 pandemic brought online learning, and then war uprooted millions.

That disruption was still evident in Ukraine, where it was also the first day of school on 9 September. An overnight Russian drone and missile attack in Kyiv forced the cancellation of classes for some because of damage from the attack.

Many Ukrainians who fled to neighboring Poland never returned to a classroom at all, continuing their Ukrainian classwork remotely.

However, as this new school year began on Monday, a new Polish law makes school attendance mandatory for Ukrainian refugees. In cases where the kids don't attend school, the government will enforce the law by withholding a monthly 800 zloty (US$ 200) bonus that all citizens and refugees receive for each child under 18.

Only those entering the last year of high school are exempt from this new requirement. Poland’s Education Ministry said it was unrealistic for them to master the Polish curriculum in language and culture in time to pass final graduation exams by spring.

Sava Trypolsky, a 5-year old Ukrainian, can expect an easier time than many. Educators say kids his age learn Polish quickly. He has a best friend, Bart, going to his school, and a soccer group. Medals he earned while playing the sport decorate his room in Jablonna, a small community north of Warsaw.

"I’ll have fun," he said beaming.

But his 16-year-old sister Marichka hopes to return to Ukraine for university and knows school can be hard for adolescents even without the pressure of being a refugee. She has one year left and opted to continue her home schooling.

"Some people are just mean, you know, and I’ve heard many stories about just being excluded or bullied," Marichka said. "That happens in every country, it’s not just Poland, it’s just kids who try to grow up in this world."

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that it was important to bring Ukrainian youth into the system to avoid the formation of social "pathologies."

"Since we do not know how many Ukrainian families will want to stay with us for longer, and perhaps forever, we are very keen for these children to be educated like their Polish peers," Tusk said recently.

Some Ukrainians have already returned home and many others plan to. That has led many of them to live in Poland, but to keep kids out of Polish schools and do remote learning with schools back in Ukraine.


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