Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Viral "Stomach Vacuum" Exercise Actually Works

Stomach Vacuum
The hashtag #stomachvacuum already has more than 100 million views on TikTok, but what exactly is the "stomach vacuum" meant to do? Are there safety risks that come with it? Does it actually work?

The "stomach vacuum" isn't a plastic surgery trend, but an abdominal exercise. It is a strengthening move that targets the abdominal muscles, especially the transverse abdominal.

"It’s a biceps curl for your abs," says Dr. Jordan D. Metzl, a Sports Medicine Physician at Hospital for Special Surgery and author of "The Workout Prescription."

Katie Wang, personal trainer and founding instructor for Peloton Row, tells TODAY that the move is nothing new. "They’ve been around for forever," Wang says, explaining that most people have likely done the move without realizing it.

"Any time [yoga and pilates instructors] are saying, 'belly button to the spine,' it’s a version of that stomach vacuum," Wang explains.

There is no major risk in doing the isometric strength move. However, if you have high blood pressure, Wang cautions against doing the "stomach vacuum" as it can cause an increase in blood pressure.

It’s not dangerous, she says, but she does caution people from jumping right in and suggests practicing the move before performing a lengthier "stomach vacuum."

The biggest risk is the misinformation and visuals on TikTok that can take a toll on mental health. For instance, some claim the "stomach vacuum" results in a slimmer waistline and a flatter stomach — this is not really true.

Physical therapist and online coach Jenny Brennecke posts about the move @drjennypt.

Brennecke recommends performing the exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Her "stomach vacuum" tutorial guides followers through this visual demo:

  1. Start by exhaling all of the air out of your lungs.
  2. Drive your belly button back toward your spine. Brennecke uses the analogy of walking into a cold lake or pool in order to contract the abdominal muscles.
  3. Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds, then release.
  4. Repeat for five sets; three-four times a week.

Friday, August 30, 2024

UEFA Champions League Has A New Format

UEFA Champions League
A new format will be adopted in the UEFA Champions League, which held a draw on 29 August in Monaco. During the first year of the tournament's new format, all 36 teams will be playing in one "league" rather than the traditional eight groups of four.

Every team was seeded and divided into four pots of nine, and will play two games (one home and one away) against randomly-drawn clubs from each pot.

All 36 teams compete in a single "league" with the top eight advancing directly to the Round of 16. Those who finish Nos. 9-16 move on as seeded teams into the knockout phase playoffs, while Nos. 17-24 advance to the playoff unseeded, with a two-legged tie to determine who reaches the Round of 16.

Real Madrid is the defending champion, winning its 15th title with a 2-0 victory over Borussia Dortmund in last season's final.

This season's Champions League final is scheduled for 31 May 2025 at the Allianz Arena in Munich.

Even if the draw for the League's new 'league phase' took place on 29 August, the final fixture list will not be released until 31 August, as part of another change.

Previously, fixtures were revealed shortly after the group-stage draw, but the list for 2024/25 takes longer to formalise with the UEFA Europa League and UEFA Conference League draws taking place on 30 August.

UEFA will liaise with individual domestic leagues to organise fixtures and the extra planning covers the delay.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sex Helps A Lot In Improving Mental Health

Brain Power
It has been revealed that there are a lot of reasons why having a ton of sex is good for the body ... physically. However, the latest findings revealed that regularly getting a raunch-on could actually give more boost to the brain as well.

Researchers from Coventry and Oxford University in the UK have found a link between frequent sexual activity and improved brain function in older adults.

The study, published in in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences, involved quizzing 73 people aged 50-83 on how often, on average, they’d had sex over the past 12 months. Participants also answered questions about their general health and lifestyle.

The 28 men and 45 women also took part in a standardized test, which is typically used to measure different patterns of brain function in older adults, focusing on attention, memory, fluency, language and visuospatial ability.

Scientists found that people who had sex at least weekly scored higher on tests of cognitive function – and, more specifically, on tests that measured verbal fluency and visuospatial ability – than those who had sex less frequently.

So, for example, they were able to name more animals and more words that started with the letter "F," in 60 seconds, and were better able to copy a complex drawing from memory.

Interestingly, there was no real difference when it came to the participants’ performance in memory, language and attentiveness tests.

Although the study authors could not say for sure why the link between sexual activity and brainpower exists, there is speculation that it might have something to do with the release of hormones such as dopamine or oxytocin, which are responsible for transmitting signals in the brain.

Speaking about the findings lead researcher Dr. Hayley Wright, from said: "We can only speculate whether this is driven by social or physical elements – but an area we would like to research further is the biological mechanisms that may influence this."

"Every time we do another piece of research we are getting a little bit closer to understanding why this association exists at all, what the underlying mechanisms are, and whether there is a 'cause and effect' relationship between sexual activity and cognitive function in older people," she continued.

"People don’t like to think that older people have sex – but we need to challenge this conception at a societal level and look at what impact sexual activity can have on those aged 50 and over, beyond the known effects on sexual health and general wellbeing."

Because the study was conducted on older adults it's not exactly clear how having sex affects the brain now. Nevertheless it certainly can’t hurt to stay between-the-sheets-active now in the hope that the brain may well thank you for it later.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What Is The "Eldest Daughter Syndrome"?

Eldest Daughter Syndrome
August 26 has been recognized by the support group Home Girls Unite as the "Eldest Daughter Day". They believed that all eldest daughters have been collectively realizing that they have a lot in common.

Licensed marriage and family therapist Kati Morton broke down the eight signs of "eldest daughter syndrome" in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 6 million times. She was recently featured in a New York Times article titled, "Why your big sis resents you," and she stopped by Studio 1A to talk to the TODAY anchors about eldest daughters and birth order.

According to Morton, the eight signs that you have "eldest daughter syndrome" are as follows:

  1. You have an intense feeling of responsibility
  2. You are an overachiever, Type A and very driven
  3. You worry a lot and probably have anxiety
  4. You struggle with people-pleasing behaviors
  5. You have a hard time placing and upholding boundaries
  6. You resent your siblings and family
  7. You struggle with feelings of guilt
  8. You have a difficult time in your adult relationships

Cautioning that "eldest daughter syndrome" is not an official mental health diagnosis, Morton defined it as "the unique pressures and responsibilities placed onto the oldest daughter in the family."

And oldest sisters everywhere can relate. Big time.

Through memes, essays and online commentary, eldest daughters have reveled in the acknowledgement of their often-stressful position in the family.

Eldest daughters even have support groups, like the one run by licensed marriage and family therapist Sara Stanizai.

Her support group website notes that eldest daughters often act as "bonus parents" who act as the bridge between their families and the outside world. They bear the brunt of financial and social pressures on parents and take on the mental and emotional labor of the household. Finding support and validation from other eldest daughters can help.

"Hearing each others' stories and also being heard ... what that's really telling you is you're not abnormal," Stanizai said in a virtual interview with TODAY.

Morton, who tried to guess the TODAY hosts' birth order based on their personality traits, said her TikTok post likely struck a nerve "because it spoke to people about a specific issue that they couldn't put their finger on." Viewers felt a sense of relieve that they could finally say to themselves, "I'm not alone. It's not me being crazy. I'm just the oldest daughter."

"We love talking about birth order and it feels real," Savannah Guthrie said to Morton, "but is there any research on this?"

"There's a lot of research, but it's mixed at best," replied Morton. "In psychology, the tricky thing is there's not always a number you can put to something and have quantitative metrics ... it really is dependent on the person and the family dynamics and how involved the parents were."

For the record, Savannah and Carson Daly are the youngest in their families, while Hoda Kotb and Sheinelle Jones are middle children.

Morton guessed that Al Roker was the youngest child in his family. Al replied, "I'm the oldest. And that's why mom loved me best."

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sven-Goran Eriksson, Former Azkals Coach and England Manager, Dies

Sven-Goran Ericksson
Sven-Goran Eriksson, former coach of the Philippine Men's Football Team, died on 26 August 2024. He was 76.

Eriksson had pancreatic cancer, and at the beginning of this year revealed he only had a year to live "at best".

In a statement, his family confirmed he had died, writing on Monday: "After a long illness, SGE died during the morning at home surrounded by family.

"The closest mourners are daughter Lina; son Johan with wife Amana and granddaughter Sky; father Sven; girlfriend Yanisette with son Alcides; brother Lars-Erik with wife Jumnong."

The Swedish manager had a short stint with the Azkals from 2018 to 2019, bannering the squad that competed in the Asian Cup for the first time.

He led the Azkals to the semifinals of the 2018 AFF Championship, losing to eventual champions Vietnam on aggregate in the two-legged semis clash.

The Philippines would wound up winless in its maiden appearance in the continental tournament, but showed plenty of promise as it stayed close with two-time Asian champions South Korea in the opener.

He was replaced by Scott Cooper after the tournament, though he stayed on as a consultant.

Eriksson is certainly the highest profile manager the Azkals ever had with 40 years of managerial experience when he joined the Philippines, including a five-year stint with the England Men’s National Football team from 2001-2006.

Former England captain Beckham led tributes from the players, describing his old boss as "a true gentleman".

Posting a video of the two of them walking together, Beckham wrote: "We laughed, we cried and we knew we were saying goodbye... Sven thank you for always being the person you have always been, passionate, caring, calm and a true gentleman...

"I will be forever grateful for you making me your captain but I will forever hold these last memories of this day with you and your family...

"Thank you Sven and in your last words to me: 'It will be ok'."

Earning From Blogs Will Take Some Time

Blog Earnings
A lot of people are taking up blogging for the sole purpose of making money out of it. This is not an impossible goal as proven by many well-known bloggers here and abroad. The success of these individuals revealed that there are three (3) things that should be inherent in bloggers who want to pursue this track and these include average intelligence, willingness to work hard, and basic grasp of blogging technology.

Unfortunately, not many who intend to make money with blogging succeed. Hence, it cannot be avoided that these same people will whine and complain about trivial things. Most will probably blame the affiliate network's unreasonable requirements or the advertisers selective process, which have significantly influenced their blog's profit margins.

However, those who did not make enough money failed to recognized that the problem started when they set an unrealistic expectation on how fast their traffic and readership will come and how much money they will make in a very short time. As expected, once these expectations are not met, their disappointment crushed their desire to continue blogging.

Just like the big kahuna who are making money from blogging, one needs a large readership to be able to succeed. It is a common law in the field of blogging that the higher the traffic, the more advertisers will be attracted to pay for a chance of their product being featured.

Another reason that many bloggers fail to make money online has something to do with lack of planning. Not just a plan to do this and that without considering all the other factors, but a realistic plan that takes into account the amount of time and effort spent on campaigning for the site, on hooking up with advertisers and sponsors, writing a posts, among others.

Attracting a large blog readership and regular visitors, which influence the blog's ranking and eventually the number of advertisers and sponsors is not easy. The blogosphere is not stagnant. Everyday more and more blogs appear, which makes the world very competitive. Just having a great idea or a wonderful writing style is no longer enough to get attention or sponsorship. Blogs also need to sustain that attraction effectively.

Updating the blog as often as possible is a great way to keep it high in the blogrolls and gets priority in blog search engines like technorati. It is also a good way to update the readers. However, it should not stop there. In fact, in some cases or in some blogs, it does not matter how often it is updated if the number of readers they attract are very miniscule or at best irregular.

Some blogging experts will even suggest that to gain more readers, "... try decreasing the frequency of your posting and use some of that time to draw new visitors by setting up link exchanges with other bloggers, making contacts in the blog community such as commenting on other blogs, joining network sites, participating in forums, and advertising your blog on advertising boards".

The bottomline is that, it usually takes some time before the expectation of reaping profits from blogs is met. However, commitment and dedication in terms of marketing it and writing very good posts help hasten the process.

Monday, August 26, 2024

"Polite" Way Of Protecting Health in Public Pools

Polite Way
Tired of seeing inconsiderate parents use public facilities to disgust everyone around them? One hotel in England found a polite way to deal with these nuisance by posting notices ordering parents to keep infants off of benches in the changing area of the resort's pool.

The sign was labeled a "Polite notice," and many clients praised the hotel management for appropriately putting rude parents in their proper place.

And while many mothers understand the premise behind the sign — to prevent parents from changing their children on the benches — they thought that maybe there is another way to deliver the message.

"The wording is disgusting," mother Toni Bird fumed to the U.K.'s Coventry Telegraph about a poster at the Village Urban Resorts hotel in Coventry, England, which reads: "Polite notice: These benches are for bums — not bags or babies! Thank you" and urges parents to "vacate" changing rooms with their children promptly after swimming.

The regional director of the hotel, Stephen Cresswell, offered a mea culpa — for the tone of the sign but not its message. "If someone has been offended by the sign that has been put up then we, of course, apologize for that," he told the media. "But a sign like that would only have been put up from a health and safety perspective to help everyone who uses the club."

Support are pouring in to defend the the resort.

One member vented that she loved the sign because she's "also fed up with mothers plonking their kids on the benches and allowing them to eat/drink, make a mess and take up room! ... It's about time staff tell some thoughtless people about their behavior."

And another remarked: "[The sign] doesn’t offended me in the slightest. If people don’t like it they can go elsewhere. Nothing worse than getting back to change and finding some mums covering the benches with what only looks like they have enough changing bags for the week, leaving no one else any room to get changed. And yes before anyone moans I have got children!"

What do you think?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Chinese Teen Defeated the Best Math AI

Chinese Student
Early this year, a teenager in China was reported to have performed so well in a math contest, she even defeated an A.I. — as well as students from prestigious universities including MIT, Stanford, and Princeton.

The outpouring of support and shock for the 17-year-old fashion design student was fueled by her humble academic background. Vocational schools in China are not known for academic rigor, and of the thousands of participants, Jiang Ping was the only one who came from a vocational school, state media reported.

Jiang finished 12th in the latest qualifying round of the Alibaba Global Math Competition, a well-known, highly-competitive math contest, and secured her slot among the 801 global finalists for the final eight-hour test on recently.

The qualifying round ended last Saturday, lasting 48 hours and was conducted online with multiple choice and essay length questions.

No A.I. teams qualified for the finals, the organizers said in a post on Chinese social media platform Weixin. Jiang’s underdog win has spawned ardent supporters. A hashtag about her had gathered 17 million views as of 22 June 2024. "In a life not defined by others, anyone can be a dark horse," read the hashtag in Chinese.

The contest includes questions on applied mathematics, probability and algebra.

Jiang, a fashion design student from the Jiangsu Province in eastern China, and her performance had impressed multiple Chinese universities who took to social media to congratulate her.

"Kudos to Jiang Ping! Anyone who has a dream is amazing!" Zhejiang University, a prestigious school in eastern China wrote in a post on Weibo.

The final results will be announced in August and the winners will be awarded up to US$ 30,000 in prize money.

Working on advanced math “brings out my desire to explore,” she said in an interview posted by the organizers that gathered more than 4 million views, with most viewers expressing their amazement with the results and questioning if it was real.

"People who can perceive beauty in mathematics and physics are generally at the next level," wrote one user. "We must protect and nurture them."

As a sign of Jiang’s ascendant star, fans have gone to far as to visit her parents’ home in a village in Jiangsu province along China’s eastern coast, bearing gifts of alcohol and money to show their support. Hometown shopping malls hung pictures of her on their walls.

Jiang also defeated her own teacher, Wang Runqiu, who ranked 125th in the contest.

State media People’s Daily reported Wang had encouraged her to join the competition and was quoted as saying, "I want to help young people as much as possible, and let them know they can have a different future."

Math was her "hobby," Jiang said in the interview with the organizers, and said she didn’t think she deserved to even join the competition. She now plans to study at a good university, she said.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Why Bloggers Do Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing
Those who have online presence and earning from it knows that with affiliate marketing, brands and content creators benefit from working together. For instance, brands get access to the motivated audiences of bloggers, podcasters, and social media influencers. In return, creators make a commission on sales or referrals, providing a stable way to monetize their content.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs earn money by promoting a product or service for a retailer.

Affiliates encourage their audiences to visit an online store or marketplace through affiliate links that track where a user came from. While most affiliates get paid when their referrals lead to a sale, some programs also reward leads, free-trial signups, website clicks, or app downloads.

An affiliate network is a platform that connects affiliates with brands and provides tools to generate and manage affiliate links.

In recent years, affiliate marketing has gained a reputation as a lucrative online business strategy that supports creators, entrepreneurs, and those looking for a side hustle.

How Affiliate Marketing Works?

Many affiliate programs are free to join. Affiliate programs work by allowing individuals or businesses to promote and sell the products or services of another company in exchange for a commission on each sale.

The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a purchase through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.

Here’s how affiliate marketing works at a high level:

  • An affiliate promotes an affiliate link to their website visitors, blog readers, or social network.
  • An audience member clicks the link.
  • The audience member makes a purchase.
  • The affiliate network records the transaction.
  • The affiliate gets paid a monetary commission.
Commission rates for affiliate sales vary depending on the product, industry, and the agreement negotiated between the affiliate and brand.

Low-price, high-volume products in niches such as pet food or skin care might earn you 5 percent of each sale. High-ticket affiliate programs in sectors such as finance and software can offer more than 20 percent.

Successful affiliates may negotiate bespoke deals with their partners for even higher percentages. Some affiliate marketing programs provide a flat rate per sale instead of a percentage.

Affiliate Marketing Pros
  1. Easy to Execute. In affiliate marketing, the main goal is straightforward: refer customers to your partner retailer. Affiliates can focus their efforts on marketing and leave other difficult tasks, such as product development and order fulfillment, to the retailer.
  2. Low Investment and Risk. Joining an affiliate program typically doesn’t cost anything. Once an audience is established, affiliates can start earning money by promoting a product without additional investment. This can lead to (relatively) passive income from commissions.
  3. Ability to Scale. When successful, affiliate marketing can increase earnings without the need for additional employees or resources. Affiliates can introduce new products to their audience, negotiate higher commissions, or reinvest earnings to expand their reach.
Affiliate Marketing Cons
  1. Takes Time. Contrary to some beliefs, affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Growing an audience and gaining influence requires time and dedication. It may take several years of consistently creating and publishing content before you earn a regular income.
  2. Limited Control. Affiliates have to follow the rules set by an affiliate program. This may include limitations on how a product can be promoted.
Another limitation of affiliate marketing is the commission-based revenue model, which means that affiliates will earn only a fraction of each sale.

If you are successful at referring customers to a particular company, you may be able to negotiate with them for better commissions, bonuses, and access to more impactful marketing content (such as promotions) for your audience.

Why Bloggers Use RSS Feed?

Blog RSS
We are in the middle of 2024 and I am starting a new blog entitled, "FitDadBod". This blog will try to feature articles that will reignite every middle-aged Father's passions and let them avail of physical and mental benefits, like reducing stress, improving sleep and reducing risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

It is also my way to enhance my online presence and support the other blogs I started before. I have different motivations why I maintain my blogs and one of them is to monetize my posts.

However, before we start with the details write exciting posts, we need to make sure that we an RSS feed so people can subscribe. We will first talk about what is an RSS feed, then why you'd want to have one and finally a bit about how to have one.

What's an RSS?

RSS feed is a standardized way of providing a way to subscribe to content in the Internet. It's an extension of XML and it used to be more popular before the emergence of social media as a way to keep following interesting content provided by websites or bulletins.

You can find mine in

Every time my blog is updated, so is my feed.xml file and anyone subscribing to my feed will get an update that there's new content from me. In my opinion, it's probably the best way to follow content.

Many blogs are written and published in some sort of publishing or content management system (like Wordpress) or built with site generators. These tools offer automated ways to generate your RSS feed so you don't have to manually type the XML each time.

Why an RSS feed is so important?

These days, both authors and as readers find a lot of their content in social media. Social media can be a good tool to find new content from new writers, especially with the use of AI. However, social media platforms are run by algorithms that take the control of what content you see away from you and they show the content they think is most addictive so you'll spend more time on the platform.

This means that even following your favorite writers in Twitter or LinkedIn doesn't mean that you'd always see what they publish.

However, subscribing to an RSS feed using an RSS reader (like Feedly) or Slack's built-in /feed functionality means that you'll be in the driving seat. You choose which content you subscribe to and you'll only see that content.

From author's point of view, it also means you can cut through all the noise, circumvent the algorithm's arbitrariness and provide a nice way for your readers to read your blog posts.

Creating the Feed

You can create your feed manually if you wish but it's probably not a sustainable way – before or later you'll forget to update it or grow tired of doing it manually.

If you are using the Blogger platform, you can use this link. If your tool isn't mentioned, try googling "[your tool] RSS" and see if documentation can be found.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Connection Between Semen and Pesticide

Pesticide Effect
Higher levels of pesticide residue in fruit and vegetables are associated with lower quality of semen, according to a study published in 2012.

Its authors said the research was only an early step in what should be a much wider investigation. And their first recommendation, they urged men not to stop eating fruit and veg, and pointed to organically-grown food, or food that is low in pesticides, as options for lowering any apparent risk.

The US team analysed 338 semen samples from 155 men attending a fertility centre between 2007 and 2012.

The volunteers were aged between 18 and 55, had not had a vasectomy, and were part of a couple planning to use their own eggs and sperm for fertility treatment. They were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their diet, asking them how often, on average, they consumed portions of fruit and vegetables. These portions were then placed into categories of being low, moderate or high in pesticide residues, on the basis of US Department of Agriculture data.

Peas, beans, grapefruit and onions, for instance, fell into the low category, whereas peppers, spinach, strawberries, apples and pears were in the high category.

The data factored in whether the items had been peeled and washed before being eaten.

Test showed that men who had the greatest consumption of high-category fruit and vegetables had a total sperm count of 86 million sperm per ejaculate. This was 49 percent less than men who ate the least. They had a sperm count of 171 million per ejaculate.

In addition, men with the lowest pesticide residue intake had an average of 7.5 percent of normally-formed sperm -- but this tally was nearly a third lower, at 5.1 percent, among those who had the highest intake. There were no significant differences between the low-and moderate-residue groups.

"To our knowledge, this is the first report on the consumption of fruit and vegetables with high levels of pesticide residue in relation to semen quality," said the study, published in the journal Human Reproduction.

"These findings suggest that exposure to pesticides used in agricultural production through diet may be sufficient to affect spermatogenesis in humans."

The study acknowledged limitations: men attending fertility clinics are prone to having semen quality problems, and the diet in this case was assessed only once and could have changed over time.

In addition, the pesticide residues were estimated rather than actually measured in the lab, and it was not known whether the fruit and vegetables that were consumed were conventionally-grown or organic.

"These findings should not discourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables in general," said Jorge Chavarro, assistant professor of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, who co-led the study.

"In fact, we found that total intake of fruit and vegetables was completely unrelated to semen quality.

"This suggests that implementing strategies specifically targeted at avoiding pesticide residues, such as consuming organically-grown produce or avoiding produce known to have large amounts of residues, may be the way to go."

Outside commentators said the research was interesting but limited. Further work was needed to confirm the findings, and see if they applied beyond this small group of men.

"This paper may cause unnecessary worry," said Jackson Kirkman-Brown of the Birmingham Women's Fertility Centre in central England.

"Men wishing to optimise their sperm quality should still eat a healthy balanced diet until more data is available," he told Britain's Science Media Centre.

Philippines' Anti-Child Labor Law

Anti-Child Labor Law
Republic Act 9231 or "The Anti Child Labor Law" was signed into law on 19 December 2003. The passage of this new measure makes the Philippines the first country to present model legislation reflective of the widely ratified International Labor Organization Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. About 143 governments or 80 percent of the international community have already ratified ILO Convention 182 in a span of three years.

The law seeks to eliminate the worst forms of child labor such as those involving slavery: such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage, serfdom, including recruitment of children for use in armed conflict; prostitution and pornography; use pf children for illegal activities, including drug trafficking; and any work that is hazardous and harmful to the health, safety and morals of children.

Among the salient features of the law is the stipulation that children below 15 years of age, if working in non-hazardous conditions, may work for not more that 20 hours a week, at most 4 hours a day. The law limits children 15 – 17 years old to work not more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. Night work from 8pm to 6am is prohibited.

The law also states that children should receive and own their wages. The child’s earnings shall be set aside primarily for his/her support, education or skill acquisition and not more than 20 percent of the child’s income may be allotted for the collective needs of the family.

Parents or the legal guardian are instructed to establish a trust fund from at least 30% of the earnings of the child whose wages and salaries from work and other income amount to at least PhP 200,000.00 annually. A semi-annual accounting of the fund shall be submitted to the Department of Labor and Employment for monitoring purposes. The child shall have full control over the trust fund upon reaching the age of majority.

Employers on the other hand are instructed to provide the working child access to al least primary and secondary education. In line with this provision, the Department of Education shall design and make available to working children alternative and non-formal education courses.

The government shall also provide and make accessible to working children free and immediate legal, medical and psychological services. Victims of child labor shall be exempted from paying filing fees for recovering civil damages.

The new law also provides for stiffer penalties against acts of child labor, particularly in its worst forms. It increased the penalties against abusers to a maximum of PhP 5 million and 20 years of imprisonment. The Department of Labor and Employments is given the authority to close down business establishments found violating anti child labor provisions of the new law.

According to Ms. Ma. Cecilia Flores-Oebanda, President of Visayan Forum Foundation, "Making child labor abuse a very expensive crime is a way to send a strong signal to employers and recruiters to stop abusing and exploiting children because stiffer penalties encourage parents and the victims to seriously pursue their complaints in court."

The passage of the law is a great victory for the Filipino working child. However, the real test lies in its implementation.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
At FitDadBod, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information received and collected by FitDadBod and how it is used.

Log Files

Like many other Web sites, FitDadBod makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

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Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 22 August 2024.

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

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Contact Us
FitDadBud is a blog that tries to reignite our Father's passions and let them avail of physical and mental benefits from reading family-friendly posts. Resources from this blog seeks to help reduce stress, improve sleep and reduce risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

If you want to contact us, just send us an email at or you may want to just post below and we will try to get back to you with your concerns.

Happy blogging!